The company Kotlar d.o.o. is aware of the importance of service and product quality when it comes to meeting the needs of its customers, as well as other interested parties. In its operations, Kotlar d.o.o. specializes in surface protection of metal elements by hot-dip galvanization, CNC plasma and gas cutting, bending of metal elements, welding and production of metal goods.
For permanent business improvement, a management system was applied according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018 norms, the requirements of which must be complied with by owners and all employees. Kotlar is committed to complying with all of the laws, regulations, and ordinances of the Republic of Croatia, and with the undertaken obligations.
The processes are carried out according to the best available technologies, with optimized use of natural resources, responsible waste and chemicals management, as well as energy consumption within our capabilities.
A risk assessment is performed for all of the processes. Identified risks which may affect processes, environmental protection, protection of health and safety, economic stability, or ethical values are reduced or eliminated as much as possible.
Kotlar prefers and values ideas, knowledge, innovation, effort, initiative, solidarity, fairness and loyalty of employees, and encourages self-control, environmental protection, use of protective equipment for health and safety through systematic forms of training and education, and permanent increase of knowledge levels in order to provide higher-quality services.
Kotlar determines periodic goals that enable the achievement of set general goals:
To retain existing customers and continuously improve their satisfaction by recognizing and meeting their needs;
To reduce environmental impact and prevent any pollution, as well as to reduce the amount of waste through constant and continuous monitoring of companies;
To responsibly manage natural resources;
To ensure and improve a healthy and safe working environment. OH&S performance targets are the following: Zero level of injuries and illnesses at work, and zero level of lost time due to injuries and illnesses at work;
We are committed to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to the health and safety of employees, and to provide elaborate procedures for dealing with and responding to emergencies and preparedness for them;
To encourage counseling and participation of employees regarding health and safety at work;
To improve the quality of communication with employees and customers, and all stakeholders in order to gain a better understanding of their needs, desires and problems, and to be available to our customers;
To maintain business success and profitability.
Efficiency, implementation and improvement of the management system are a direct responsibility of the Management Board, which is responsible for the implementation and publication of this Policy. The Policy is a public document communicated to employees, associates, service providers and all interested parties, and is binding for all who work for and on behalf of Kotlar.
Đurđevac, October 28th, 2020
Director: Martin Šostarec